Bildiğiniz üzere matematikte her sayı, farklı bir anlama tekabül eder. Bu anlamları sadece biz insanların anladığını düşünüyorsanız, yanılıyorsunuz. Çünkü yapılan yeni bir araştırmaya göre arıların da sıfır kavramını anladığı ortaya çıktı.
Sıfır rakamı modern matematik ve bilim için büyük bir önem taşır. Farklı işlemlerde farklı roller alsa da, sıfır bizim için ‘yokluğu’ ifade eder. Düşünebilen ve düşündüğünü ifade eden canlıların başında insanlar olmuş olsa da yapılan yeni bir araştırma, şaşırtıcı gerçekleri ortaya koydu. Öyle ki daha önce papağan ve maymunların sıfır kavramını anladığı biliniyordu. Şimdi ise bu gruba arılarda katıldı.
Dörde kadar saydıkları ve bazı matematiksel becerileri olduğu tahmin edilen arılar, bu yeteneklerini yer işaretlemek için kullanıyorlar. Ancak daha karmaşık bir yapıya sahip olduğu düşünülen 0 rakamı hakkında, bilim net bilgilere sahip değildi. Bunu test etmek isteyen bilim insanları, iki sayıdan küçük olanı tanımlamaları için 10 arıyı deneye tabi tuttular. İlk denemede, beyaz bir arka plan üzerinde şekiller olan iki farklı resim arılara gösterildi. Arılar eğer ki daha az şeklin olduğu şekle uçarsa, onlara lezzetli şekerli sular verildi. Ancak daha büyük sayının olduğu şekle uçarlarsa, acı tatlı bir madde ile cezalandırıldılar.
Arılar bu şekilde küçük rakamın ödüle karşılık geldiğini öğrendiklerinde, bilim insanları arıları yeni bir teste soktular. Arılara bu kapsamda, hiçbir şeyin olmadığı bir arka plan ve birkaç nesnenin olduğu bir arka plan sunuldu. Arılar önceki deneyimlerinden de yola çıkarak, çoğunluklu olarak boş arka plana yöneldiler. Anlayacağını o ki her üç arıdan 2’si, 0 rakamının mantığını biliyordu.
Buna ek olarak bir dizi deney daha gerçekleştiren araştırma ekibi, arıların bir ve sıfır arasındaki farkı bildiklerini ifade ettiler. Böyle bir sayısal beceri bizleri şaşırtmış olsa da bu ayrım yeteneği hayvanlar için işe yarayan bir beceridir.
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/acapulco-gold-di…end-fresh-3600mg/" rel="dofollow">Acapulco Gold Disposable - D8, THCP Blend - Fresh - 3600MG</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dream-dispo…end-fresh-3600mg/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dream Disposable - D8, THCP Blend - Fresh - 3600MG</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/green-crack-vape…osable-10x-920mg/" rel="dofollow">Green Crack Vape Pen - Delta 8 THC - Disposable - 10X - 920mg</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dream-vape-…osable-10x-920mg/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dream Vape - Delta 8 THC - Disposable - 10x - 920mg</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/grape-ape-vape-d…osable-10x-920mg/" rel="dofollow">Grape Ape Vape - Delta 8 THC - Disposable - 10X - 920mg</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/delta-8-thc-disp…ty-2-pack-bundle/" rel="dofollow">Delta-8 THC Disposable Vape Variety - 2 Pack Bundle</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/pineapple-expres…osable-10x-920mg/" rel="dofollow">Pineapple Express Delta 8 THC Vape Pen - Disposable - 10X - 920mg</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/golden-milk-thc-…able-banana-kush/" rel="dofollow">Golden Milk THC-O Disposable (Banana Kush)</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/punch-delta-8-th…e-hawaiian-punch/" rel="dofollow">Punch Delta-8 THC Disposable (Hawaiian Punch)</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/lime-delta-8-thc…able-lemon-skunk/" rel="dofollow">Lime Delta-8 THC Disposable (Lemon Skunk)</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/strawberry-cough…8-thc-disposable/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Cough Delta-8 THC Disposable</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/dirty-girl-weed-strain/" rel="dofollow">Dirty Girl</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/black-cherry-soda/" rel="dofollow">Black Cherry Soda</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/cannatonic-strain/" rel="dofollow">Cannatonic</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/bruce-banner/" rel="dofollow">Bruce Banner</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/brain-freeze/" rel="dofollow">Brain Freeze</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dragon/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dragon</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/black-widow/" rel="dofollow">Black Widow</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/afghan-haze/" rel="dofollow">Afghan Haze</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/ak-47/" rel="dofollow">AK-47</a>
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<ahref=" https://flowerloungeuk.com/product/yellow-zkittles/" rel="dofollow">Yellow Zkittles</a>
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<ahref=" https://flowerloungeuk.com/product/lemon-cherry-guava/" rel="dofollow">Lemon Cherry Guava Strain</a>
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<ahref=" https://flowerloungeuk.com/product/lemon-dropz/" rel="dofollow">Lemon Dropz Strain</a>
<ahref=" https://flowerloungeuk.com/product/fruit-ztripes/" rel="dofollow">Fruit Ztripes</a>
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<ahref="https://flowerloungeuk.com/product/magic-shotz/" rel="dofollow">Magic Shotz Strain</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/sunset-sherbet-d…end-fresh-3600mg/" rel="dofollow">Sunset Sherbet Disposable - D8, THCP Blend - Fresh - 3600MG</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/acapulco-gold-di…end-fresh-3600mg/" rel="dofollow">Acapulco Gold Disposable - D8, THCP Blend - Fresh - 3600MG</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dream-dispo…end-fresh-3600mg/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dream Disposable - D8, THCP Blend - Fresh - 3600MG</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/chill-plus-delta…ywalker-og-900mg/" rel="dofollow">Chill Plus Delta-8 THC Disposable Vaping Pen - Skywalker OG - 900mg</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/chill-plus-delta…our-diesel-900mg/" rel="dofollow">Chill Plus Delta-8 THC Disposable Vaping Pen - Sour Diesel - 900mg</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/chill-plus-delta…le-express-900mg/" rel="dofollow">Chill Plus Delta-8 THC Disposable Vaping Pen - Pineapple Express - 900mg</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/chill-plus-delta…blue-dream-900mg/" rel="dofollow">Chill Plus Delta-8 THC Disposable Vaping Pen - Blue Dream - 900mg</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dream-vape-…osable-10x-920mg/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dream Vape - Delta 8 THC - Disposable - 10x - 920mg</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/pineapple-expres…able-10x-920mg-2/" rel="dofollow">Pineapple Express Delta 8 THC Vape Pen - Disposable - 10X - 920mg</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/strawberry-cough…8-thc-disposable/" rel="dofollow">Strawberry Cough Delta-8 THC Disposable</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/dirty-girl-weed-strain/" rel="dofollow">Dirty Girl</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/alaskan-thunder-f-weed/" rel="dofollow">Alaskan Thunder</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/atomic-strain/" rel="dofollow">Atomic Jack</a>
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<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/weed-cookie-monster/" rel="dofollow">Cookie Monster</a>
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<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/brain-freeze/" rel="dofollow">Brain Freeze</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blueberry-og/" rel="dofollow">Blueberry OG</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-goo/" rel="dofollow">Blue Goo</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dream-strain-review/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dream</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/blue-dragon/" rel="dofollow">Blue Dragon</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/black-widow/" rel="dofollow">Black Widow</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/banana-kush/" rel="dofollow">Banana Kush</a>
<ahref="https://planetweedshop.com/product/afghan-haze/" rel="dofollow">Afghan Haze</a>
<ahref=" https://planetweedshop.com/product/ak-47/" rel="dofollow">AK-47</a>
Adukuat merupakan olahraga angkat besi atau yang lebih di kenal sebagai fitnes.
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